I had learnt this meditation for flights where, while observing the present, if a thought from the past arises, then you remember the city your flight left from as a reminder to return to the present, and if a future thought arises, then you remember your destination city for the same reason.
Anyway, while just doing this process, I finally got some major clarity on something -
I always was afraid of completely separating myself from my mind, because I always considered it my biggest asset - that was the device responsible for my creative ideas/funny thoughts. But I finally just realized that while these are nice to have, they are not what makes life beautiful. They merely are vestibules for earning temporary flashes of respect in the world via self-proclaimed fame, but lasting equanimity is won by what is done by the heart.....by sharing kindness....(which is the budding flower before love, but hold your horses, I'm still a pony :)
The heart doesn't direct in words, but it has this fascinating magnetism towards the rest of the world - I've noticed that if you just follow its magnetic path, instead of listening to the mind, life all of a sudden feels gleefully light.
Anyway, I was just feeling very grateful for you for pointing me in the right direction. I could have easily gone decades more with the unwavering belief that my mind's talents are why I'm here and I'm nothing without it.
Thanks for saving me some time :)