4/5 stars
Today, on Day 1 in 107 degree "my face is on fire" Phoenix, also marked my first experience at Liberty Market. Here are all things worth noting, for those of you taking notes. (For those of you not taking notes, I can just text you):
1) The ordering system is similar to a Corner Bakery, in that, you pay first then take a number, then they bring food to your table. What is nice/different, though, is that you get a hard menu to hold in line, instead of having to look up at a board behind the counter. This allows The Indecisive some intimate time alone to analyze and dissect each and every option without the board making their glances feel like they've overstayed their welcome.
2) It's a better value than Panera, who's been sneaking up their prices and making my wallet whine. Places like Liberty Market are fighting back, so one day our kids will say, "Panwhera?" #forced
3) I ordered the Farmer sandwich and a side of Hummus. It should be in the Constitution that hummus should always be served with soft bread, never hard toasty toast. (Note for next time, folks, especially if you want it changed to "Life, Liberty MARKET, and the Pursuit of Happiness").
The Farmer sandwich was not as hot as it could've been, probably because of the waiter's poor pickup timing from the kitchen....
...but how long could I stay mad at the waiter when, 4) he gave me free coffee? Or maybe he just gifted the coffee because I looked like I had to poop and he was just trying to push me over the edge...
5) They REALLY won my heart, though, by playing my favorite Oasis song, "Don't Look Back in Anger." It was as if they were spoonfeeding me through my ears.